On March 29, 2024, The Director-General of DIW, along with the Director of the Ecosystem and Industrial Pollution Coordination Center, the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), representatives from the Department of Pollution Control, researchers, and officers from relevant agencies participated in a Research Dissemination Seminar of the project on enhancement of Industrial Waste and Greenhouse Gas Management System with Digital Technology.
The project on enhancement of Industrial Waste and Greenhouse Gas Management System with Digital Technology was supported by NRCT is to develop a database system for industrial waste management by data analysis and display the results on a “Digital Waste Platform". The platform will provide an overview of quantity and spatial distribution of waste management and support the information for planning of any policies related to industrial waste management.
This seminar disseminated the results of the project and allowed officers from relevant agencies to test the Digital Waste Platform. The feedback from the officers will be used by the research team to improve and develop the system.
The Digital Waste Platform will analyze data related to industrial waste as well as using Machine Learning Model (ML) for data processing resulted in 8 functions:
Function 1: Industrial Waste Profile
Considering the waste codes applied to each type of industry
Function 2: Waste Distribution
Considering the provinces that are the source of the waste
Function 3: Waste Disposal Sorting
Considering amount of waste by management method
Function 4: Annual Waste Generation and Treatment Code
Considering amount of waste in each year by waste management codes
Function 5: Annual Waste Generation and Waste Code
Considering amount of waste (tons) for each code by changing
Function 6: Waste Flow Area-Based
Considering amount of waste flow in/flow out in each province
Function 7: WasteSage AI
Currently permitted options for treatment/disposal of industrial waste
Function 8: CarbonSync AI
Options for treatment/disposal of industrial waste for greenhouse gas reduction
Reference: https://www.diw.go.th/webdiw/pr67-224/