The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) recognizes importance of addressing climate change, especially the mitigation in the industrial sector, and therefore, IEAT encourages to develop the “Smart Park Industrial Estate” to be a prototype of the “Carbon Neutral Industrial Estate”
On July 13, 2023, IEAT examines the progress of the New Industrial Estate Development Project and expressed their expectation to open Smart Park Industrial Estate with 1,400 rai (224ha) of land area to serve S-curve industries in 2024.
The pilot project is located in Rayong province in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) zone and is expected to be a Carbon Neutral Industrial Estate with concept of high-technology and modern industrial in terms of industrial technology, communication, transportation, energy management, and environmentally friendly in line with the Eco-Industrial Town project.
Smart Park Industrial Estate consist of 8 types of Smart Eco-Industrial Estates concepts, namely,
Smart Location:
The Industrial Estate is located in the EEC area which provide the convenient of transportation.
Smart Energy:
Smart Grid Technology is used in the Industrial Estate as well as the use of electricity generated from clean energy e.g., Floating Solar and Solar Rooftop, and Hydrogen Energy.
Smart Transportation:
Public Transportation System powered by clean energy.
Smart Industrial New-S curve:
Industrial Estate serve S-curve industries e.g., Robotics, Aviation & Logistic, Digital, and Medical device.
Smart Environment:
238.32 Rai of Green Area & Buffer Zone (about 17% of the project area in total).
Smart Building:
The Energy Saving Building as per TREES Standard (Thai’s Rating of Energy and Environmental Sustainability) for new Construction
Smart IT:
Supporting all communication networks, the establishment of a Data Center, the use of IOTs in area management and production processes.
Smart Security:
Environmental Monitoring and Control Center (EMCC) & CCTV System within the industrial estate.
Smart Life:
A modern space for entrepreneurs and officials to exchange ideas.
IEAT is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 72% (1,014,000 ton/year) during the project operation, compared with other industrial estates.