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ERC intends to purchase 282.98 MW from MSW to Energy Projects with SCOD within 2025-2026


Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) has issued an announcement that they were ready to purchase power from the MSW Power Plant Projects, with SCOD between 2025-2026 as a Non-Firm contract in the form of Feed-in Tariff (FiT), upon the Electricity Authorities issue an announcement. ERC emphasize that the projects shall be approved by the Ministry of Interior, which they recognize 34 projects with purchasing power of 282.98 MW in total.

The three Electricity Authorities will announce details of the power purchase within July 2022. The projects would offer more than 10 MW, shall submit their proposals to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), while those would offer less than 10 MW shall submit their proposals to Electricity Authority (The Provincial Electricity Authority or PEA and the Metropolitan Electricity Authority or MEA), the submission will be from the Electricity Authorities’ announcement date to Dec 29th, 2023.

The Electricity Authorities will announce the qualified candidates and ready to sign the power purchase agreement within 60 days after the date of acceptance of complete documents. Scheduled Commercial Operation Date (SCOD) is during 2025-2026.

You can download ERC’s Announcement on Power Purchase from MSW Power Plant B.E. 2565 (2022) (consisting with Schedule of Power Purchase, FiT as per Resolutions of the NEPC on May 6th, 2022 under PDP2018 Rev.1 and List of 34 Projects approved by MOI) from URL here


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