DIW held a public hearing meeting to discuss and gather comments to support the pilot project development of production on bio-sodium silicate solution and bio-potassium silicate solution from rice husk ash in line with End-of-waste concept.
the Department of Industrial Works (DIW), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), and the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to promote the end-of-waste concept since July 21, 2023 [1]. The main objective of this collaboration is to convert industrial waste into raw materials or new products.
DIW together with relevant agencies from public sector and private sector launched a pilot project on Provision of services for studying and preparing the end-of-waste criteria for rice husk ash and demonstrate the production of products from rice husk ash on January 16, 2024 [2] and held the 1st progress meeting for the project on March 20, 2024. During this meeting, the results of the analysis and the laboratory-scale production of bio-sodium silicate were reported.
(Details for other pilot projects under development, please see our website: https://www.exri.co.th/post/progress-of-the-project-to-develop-end-of-waste-criteria-for-plaster-mold-waste )
On July 5, 2024, DIW held a public hearing meeting to gather opinions and comments from experts in relevant fields, such as materials science, environmental field, and product standards.
DIW aims to develop the findings from project to commercial scale as well as improve relevant standards and regulations to promote the utilization of rice husk ash as a secondary raw material [4]