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Director General of DIW visited On Nut Waste to Energy Power Plant to follow-up on problem solving


Updated: Jul 25, 2023

On April 24, 2023, Director General of Department of Industrial Works (DIW) and related parties visited the On Nut Waste to Energy Power Plant to follow-up complaint against factory operations.

DIW has ordered the operator of the 800 t/d of Waste to Energy Power Plant located at On Nut Waste Disposal Center (hereinafter the company) to temporarily suspend its operation for 60 days to resolve complaints, of which details are as follows:

(1) Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) production from MSW

DIW ordered the company to take countermeasure against foul odor at the waste unloading area & RDF transferring area as well as to treat all wastewater in accordance with the conditions given in the permission and prepare a wastewater mass balance report and monitor the effects of odder in line with the measurement method specified by the Department of Health within 60 days from the date of receiving the order (due on April 16, 2023)

(2) Biogas Production from Leachate

DIW ordered the company to suspend operation and prepare a plan for all wastewater management in the factory, improve the efficiency of the wastewater treatment system, prepare clarification report for the change in the mass balance of municipal solid waste and wastewater per day including develop a operation flow corresponding to the amount of wastewater entering the factory by February 17, 2023, then extended deadline of improvement to May 12, 2023. DIW also collected samples of wastewater in the factory for further study.

However, DIW found that the leachate from the RDF plant was sent to primary wastewater treatment at the Biogas plant for internal use. During the aeration process, it caused a foul smell to spread to the community behind the plant. DIW will prepare an additional order pursuant to paragraph one of Section 39 of the Factory Act B.E. 2535 (1992), to instruct the company to install air collection system and negative pressure circulation system by proposing the design to DIW for consideration within 30 days from the date of receipt of the order.


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Bangkok 10110 Thailand.

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